Join the Executives’ Association of Greater Phoenix
Arizona’s Premier Networking Group
We are always looking for new members.
We currently have a few open classifications.
Interested? Fill out the Form below.

We are always looking for new members.
We currently have a few open classifications.
Interested? Fill out the Form below.
We invite you to introduce yourself to the association by contacting the EAGP office by phone, email or by completing the Contact Us form below and let us know that you are interested in joining EAGP and attending a weekly meeting. Then a member will contact you directly.
Membership is open to all types of businesses. EAGP operates on the policy of “One Firm Per Business Classification”.
By doing so, a qualifying company is guaranteed exclusivity in that category with a distinct advantage of promoting their business to a select “Executive Sales Team” — a team that will, in turn, provide the Member Firm with business leads and referrals, information, and executive support when needed. EAGP has been a peer to peer leads generating and networking association in the valley since 1954.
To qualify for membership, you must meet the following criteria:
If your firm meets these qualifications, join us as a guest at one of our weekly meetings.
What does a typical weekly meeting look like for the EAGP?
What happens after I join a meeting as a guest?
Membership comes with some expectations!
Members are expected to:
*You can contact the EAGP office at for details.
There are three costs: