Over the past sixty years…
the EAGP roster, comprised of carefully selected small, medium-sized and large firms, has read like a Who’s Who in the Valley and state’s business community.
To put this time span in perspective, in its inaugural year of 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower was completing his first term of office, the first trans-Atlantic phone cable was being laid, Notre Dame’s Paul Hornung took home the Heisman Trophy, Elvis Presley’s Heartbreak Hotel was the number one recording and the top TV show was I love Lucy.
On October 18 of that year, the first formal meeting of the then Phoenix Executive Association (PEAS) was called to order at the Los Olivos Hotel on Second St. and McDowell Rd. While nobody can recall with certainty how many were in attendance, certainly it was fewer than the 100-plus active and honorary members currently enrolled.